To better summarize the healing effect of herbal tea on people who contracted Covid-19 or suffered from similar symptoms, this article is another extract of feedback from twelve people who requested our free Covid-19 online consultation service during the pandemic.
Note: The age of people taking the herbal tea varies from 7 to 69.

Case #1
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 7
Original symptoms: low fever of 100.4 F. No nasal congestion. Slight coughing, sour and itchy throat. Loss of appetite. Night sleep restlessness.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on April 9th in the evening.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: temperature lowered from 99.7F to 98.2 F. Throat slightly hoarse. Appetite became normal. ( Used to be picky.) Night sleep is not good yet. Claimed to feel hot and uneasy during sleep.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on April 14th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Generally recovered. Tongue surface is a little reddish with no coating.

Case #2
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Sex: Female
Weight: 55kg
Initial symptoms: Sick since March 29th. Had two fevers, once the temperature went to 38C. Took Tylenol twice. Bone aching all over the body. Had diarrhea continuously for two days. Suffered from an acute stomach ache. Throat aching and I kept coughing. Tested positive of covid-19 last night on April 23rd. Current symptom: coughing.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 25th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Started taking the tea three times a day on April 26th. No other symptoms. Coughing has improved.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 30th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Started taking the tea three times a day on May 2nd. No other symptoms except slight coughing. Tested on May 4th to be negative of Covid-19.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 8th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Now fully recovered without any symptoms. My gratitude to Dr. Yang!
Did you follow a light diet, avoiding meat and eggs? Yes.
Did you take V. C and eat lots of green veggies? Yes.

Case #3
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 47.
Initial symptoms: Feeling weak all over the body. Coughing.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 14th, 2021.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: coughing lessened
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on: April 17th, 2021
Condition after taking the herbal tea: obviously lessened coughing, felt energetic.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on: April 23rd, 2021
Condition after taking the herbal tea: After quarantine, tested negative.
Did you follow a light diet, avoiding meat protein? Yes.
Did you take vitamin C? Yes.

Case #4
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 58
Symptoms before taking the herbal tea and online consultation: High fever (took antipyretics to reduce fever), fatigue, poor appetite, lingering low-grade fever over time.
Day 15th - high fever 102F, fatigue, poor appetite, took antipyretics to control fever.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on the 16th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Day 16th - temperature taken at 7am was 100.09F. Started taking herbal tea #2 in the morning; felt better; woke up at 2am the next day. Drank some water and had trouble falling asleep until later in the morning.
Day 17th – continued taking herbal tea #2 and was feeling much better. Had a good appetite and felt hungry early in the morning; patches of rash showed on the upper left thigh.
Day 18th – continued taking herbal tea #2.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on the 19th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Day 19th – no more fever or rash; still felt a bit tired; mouth was still a bit dry with bitter taste; body felt cold, especially hands and feet.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on the 22nd.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Day 22nd – felt normal both physically and mentally; ate normally as well; mouth still felt a little dry.

Case #5
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 41
Symptoms before taking the herbal tea and online consultation: coughing
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 4th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: felt a bit headache, cough on May 4th and 5th; still had headache but cough got better on May 6th.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 10th.
Condition after taking herbal tea: cough, warm sensation in head.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 17th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: fully recovered, no more cough.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 24th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: fully recovered.

Case #6
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 41
Symptoms before taking the herbal tea and online consultation: cough with phlegm, tested positive for Covid-19.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 3rd
Condition after taking the herbal tea: no fever, felt warm but no sweat, cough with phlegm
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 9th
Condition after taking the herbal tea: had no more cough, slept light, had swollen tonsils (felt like being pressed by something) and heavy head, good appetite recovered, sensation of smell recovered.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received: May 13th
Condition after taking the herbal tea: heavy head symptom reduced, good appetite, sensation of smell and taste recovered, noticed unformed stools due to indigestion, slept light
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received: May 22nd
Condition after taking the herbal tea: ate normally, no more heavy head feeling, normal sensation of smell and taste; slept light, had dry throat and chest tightness
Nucleic acid testing done on May 23rd, test result obtained on May 27th was negative
Fifth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received: May 31st
Condition after taking the herbal tea: ate normally, felt sensation of smell and taste as normal, experienced no more chest tightness, slept well
Note: was on a light diet, took vitamin C

Case #7
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 54
Initial symptoms before taking the herbal tea: possibly got infected when a nurse came to visit mom; body ache, fatigue, wheezing and cough. Admitted to hospital for treatment on March 9th because of low blood oxygen level (87%). Discharged from hospital on March 22nd. Severe flatulence (abdominal distention/bloating), tightness/pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing, inability to cough up phlegm and cold stomach.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on March 24th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: much more relaxed, sense of smell restored, headache relieved. Bloating/defecation is better; bowel movement getting better; chest tightness and difficulty in breathing are not as bad as before. Still not able to cough up phlegm; feeling exhausted and having poor sleep; easy to wake up, chest pain.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on March 27th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: headache/dizziness, worsened at nighttime, occasional bloating, poor sleep, chest pain/tightness at nighttime. Appetite is good; able to inhale deeper; sense of smell is further restored.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 2nd.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Appetite/all aspects improved; poor sleep, wheezing and feeling tired during full-body bathing; dry mouth and bitter taste at night; wake up every 2 hours and need to drink half cup of water; difficult in defecation, thick tongue coating, occasional headache/dizziness. Profuse sweating, occasional phlegm/cough, and chill sensation on the back.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 9th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: made great progress towards recovery. Gradually improved sleep; wake up every 3 hours (used to wake up every 2 hours before); difficult going back to sleep sometimes, defecation similar to before, sweating, no cough or phlegm, reduced headache/dizziness, occasional chest/back pain (relieved after using hot compression or exercise), gassy after eating.
Fifth feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: sleep and appetite greatly improved, defecation back to normal. Got cold and afraid of chills (relieved after using hot compression).

Case #8
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Initial symptoms: nose congestion, runny nose, sneezing, loss of smell and taste, chill, ache, stiff neck
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 13th, 2021.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: the sense of smell is not restored. Other symptoms mostly disappeared. Doing moxibustion therapy and foot bath, keeping a light diet.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 18th, 2021.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: taking the second pack of herbal tea for 3 days; the sense of smell partially restored; can only smell the food with strong odor; anticipated a full recovery in a couple of days.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 24th, 2021.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: the sense of smell is recovering; went for test the day before; still waiting for result.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on March 1st, 2021.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: test report received with result being negative. Thank you for your herbal tea. The sense of smell is not fully restored. It probably needs some more time to recover.
Fifth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on March 6th, 2021.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: the sense of smell is completely restored.
*Note: on a light diet, avoid meat protein, and take Vitamin C. Keep doing moxibustion and foot bath.

Case #9
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Initial symptoms when seeking help:
Coughing, fever, difficulty in breathing, whole body aching, difficulty in sleeping, constipation, feeling tired and lacking energy, chills, sweating, throat itchy, chest pain.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 8th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Now constipation is making me feel very uncomfortable. Being afraid of the cold and wind; getting low fever; coughing a little less; voice is hoarse; throat has phlegm; body aching and feeling exhausted; having mucus in the throat.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 11th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Coughing, constipation, wheezing, insomnia, no more fever.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 15th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Had some coughing, all other symptoms are getting much better.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 18th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Still had some coughing, but all other symptoms are getting better.
Fifth feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on February 21st.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Occasionally coughing. All other symptoms have recovered fully.
Sixth feedback:
No herbal tea is needed.

Case #10
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 53.
Initial symptoms when asking for help: Covid-19 tested positive, no sense of taste.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on January 29th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Still no sense of taste, but getting better than before taking the herbal tea.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 2nd.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Feel tired after taking the herbal tea; insensitive to smell; occasionally getting the sense of taste back, but most of the time still no sense of taste.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea#2 received on February 8th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Still insensitive to smell and taste, all others are good.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 11th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Still insensitive to smell and taste, all others are good.
Fifth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 17th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: All recovered, sense of smell and taste are back.
Sixth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on February 23rd.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: All recovered, result is negative after tested.

Case #11
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 40.
Initial symptoms when seeking help: Difficulty in breathing, constant coughing, feeling tired and lacking energy.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 12th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: took one pack in the afternoon on April 12th after receiving the herbal tea. Breathing became less difficult; short of breath became better. Could go to the restroom to pass water. After taking herbal tea for two days, my coughing became less frequent. Had mucus in the throat.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 16th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Feeling not lacking energy anymore. Could hear the sound of loud breathing when sitting in the seat. Coughed occasionally at night. I’ve been hearing a puffing sound in my ears these past couple of days. Had a little pain in my chest area.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 22nd.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Only a little whitish mucus in the throat. Had to cough it out. Felt a little discomfort in my chest.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 28th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: Mucus became less these days (from 26th to 30th). Felt a little bitter taste in my mouth after getting up in the morning.
Fifth feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on May 6th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: No more bitter taste in the mouth. Recovered well. Kept vegetarian diet.
Sixth feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on May 10th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: recovered well. Almost all are OK.
Seventh feedback: no herbal tea received. Back to normal. Continued vegetarian diet.
Keep a light diet? Yes.
Avoid animal protein? Yes.
Take Vitamin C? Yes.

Case #12
(Detailed feedback in the image below)
Age: 40.
Initial symptoms when asking for help: Difficulty in breathing, constant coughing, lack of energy, repeated fever.
First feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 12th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: After my husband took the tea, he sweated a lot. Without taking the tea, he would also sweat, especially at night. He coughed less, had a little mucus, and could breathe more easily. After taking the tea for 3 days, he could walk downstairs and felt more energetic. He has diabetes and high blood pressure.
Second feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 16th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: He recovered quite well. No more sweating at night. Hands and feet are not cold any more. Previous puffing sound in ears disappeared too. From 15th to 19th, he didn’t feel lacking energy anymore. Occasionally he had a little mucus in throat.
Third feedback:
Herbal tea #2 received on April 22nd.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: From 20th to 25th, he recovered quite well. Except for a tiny bit of white mucus in the throat, everything else was good.
Fourth feedback:
Herbal tea #1 received on April 28th.
Condition after taking the herbal tea: A little bitter taste in the mouth in the morning after getting up. Everything else was good.
Fifth feedback:
No herbal tea was received. All good.
Sixth feedback:
No herbal tea was received. Body back to normal.
Seventh feedback:
Body back to normal. Back to work.
Did he take a light diet? Yes.
Did he avoid animal protein? Yes.
Did he take Vitamin C supplements? Yes.