I wrote this paper based on my clinical experience of treatment, starting 2 years ago from Wuhan to the whole China and then to 14 countries across the globe, of more than 12 thousand COVID patients and countless cases of people getting affected after taking COVID vaccines.
First let’s review the infection process of the coronavirus. The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) binds to the cell receptor ACE2 via its spike protein, then it goes into the cell and causes infection. The virus usually infects human body via respiratory tract. Thus many people think it is a type of respiratory disease.
However, this is not the case. Based on many facts, this virus attacks the organs all over our body. The research team, led by Yuyang Lei et al. from UC San Diego, published a paper on Circulation Research: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2.
The research also indicated that COVID-19 is actually a vascular disease. It accurately proved how the SARS-CoV-2 virus attacks and damages the vascular system on a cellular level. The spike protein of the virus (S protein) will damage the vascular endothelial cells. Originally the tissue sample test indicated that the endothelial cells of the interior pulmonary artery wall were inflamed. The spike protein (S protein) damaged the cell by binding the ACE2 protein. This binding damaged the signal transduction between ACE2 and mitochondria, causing mitochondrial impairment and fragmentation. These discoveries helped to explain the seemingly unrelated syndromes that were actually caused by COVID-19.
The research team showed that though many people think COVID-19 is respiratory disease, it is actually a vascular disease. This also explained why some COVID patients got stroke, and why some patients developed health issues in the other parts of the body.

After lots of clinical treatment of COVID for the past 2 years, I found that as long as the place inside our body is reachable by blood, it is also reachable by the virus. The COVID virus damages lots of blood vessels and causes lots of blockage in our blood vessels. Therefore, lots of “roads” that connect our organs are blocked, causing hemoglobin and nutrients failing to arrive at these organs. The blood vessel blockage thus leads to organ hypoxia and failure.
I noticed this phenomenon at the beginning of the pandemic when I started the free clinic program in Wuhan. So I started to use Manchurian Wildginger, a traditional Chinese medicine, to dredge the blockage in the blood vessels. This is also why China promotes the Angong Niuhuang pill to treat COVID, as it can clean the cerebral blood vessel clots, which can cause stroke. But it needs to be pointed out that the Angong Niuhuang pills in the recent years are not the same as the early version, where the three main ingredients in the new version are all replaced.
Related Reading (In Chinese)
Bridle,immunologist and associate professor at Guelph University, pointed out that though all the countries in the world set a 12 ~ 18 month research & development cycle for the COVID vaccine, the possibility of making one is very slim based on the statistics of past vaccine development life cycle. He said most vaccines need 10 years to develop on average.
The well-known British Medical Journal’s associate editor published a paper claiming that Jackson, a clinical research regional director of Ventavia, accused Pfizer of intentionally hiding issues occurred during the third phase of clinical research and development of the vaccine and there was experimental data fabrication during the R&D process.

One Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said that new research showed that after taking COVID vaccine, the spike protein of the COVID virus may accidentally go into our blood. This is a valid explanation of thousands of side effect reports - ranging from blood coagulation and heart diseases to cerebral damage and reproductive system issues. Recently the feedback of people getting COVID vaccine showed symptoms of fever, faintness, swelling and pain. Some people got the symptoms after 1~2 months of taking the shots, while others got the symptoms after half a year.
Byram Bridle, immunologist and associate professor at Guelph University, said during an interview with Alex Pierson that “we have made a big mistake and we just realized that” and he warned the public that his information was “alarming”.
“We thought that the spike protein is a very good target antigen. We did not know that the spike protein is a toxin itself, a pathogenic protein. Thus, by giving people vaccine shots, we unintentionally inject them with a type of toxin”.
The statistics of Japan showed that the notorious spike protein will enter the blood and circulates in the blood vessels for a few days after vaccination. Then it will accumulate in the body organs and tissues, including spleen, bone marrow, liver and adrenal glands. The ovary will also have a quite high concentration level of the protein. We already know that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein and a toxin, which will cause damage after entering the blood. This also explains why there are so many long-term symptoms after vaccination.
Our Wechat public account has related posts explaining the mechanism of the vaccine, which everyone can take a look. So, as the most popular vaccine in the world, how is the Pfizer vaccine currently?
According to the official statistics of Pfizer, 75% of the virus in the vaccine will enter the lymphatic system and will reach all the corners in the body. The vaccine loaded with over 40 trillion messenger RNA is injected into the human body and about 30 trillion will eventually connect via the lymphatic vessels and enter the blood after being absorbed by the cells.
These cells are usually distributed near the blood vessels, and enter the blood vessels through the network nearby the capillaries. Then the vaccine starts to work. The genes are starting to massively reproduce COVID spike protein. The purpose of the reproduction is to let the body identify the intruder protein, and generate proteins against it, thus preventing the infection of COVID virus. But there is an issue here. The spike protein is part of the viral envelope of the COVID virus, but it is not inside the virus in this scenario. Instead, it enters the blood and becomes part of the vascular endothelial cell wall.

These spike protein test the damaged blood vessels and block them. Platelets, whose main function is to stop bleeding, will think that the blood vessel starts bleeding and start coagulation process. This will inevitably cause blood clots. These blood clots form like cancer, as they contain carcinogens. Whether this is the case or not? D-dimer tests show that thousands of capillaries inside the lung are clotted, which means pulmonary hypertension (Once these kind of symptoms appear, the patient will die within 3 years of right-sided heart failure).
The heart works against huge resistance force in order for the blood to circulate to all over the body through the lung. Which is to say, many people get heart diseases. Apart from adding burden to the heart, some blood clots will go inside the heart, causing blockage in the heart in serious. At the same time, as too many blood vessels are blocked in the body, the heart takes too much pressure, which means vaccine-caused myocarditis. These kind of damages are permanent, and the body will never return to its original state. Currently with the demand of more vaccine shots, the damage will increase and the capillaries will continually getting damage.

Based on the capabilities of existing medical devices, 62% people can be detected with visible thrombi. Some of the strokes that we see, are due to big chunks of cerebral thrombus. However, many tiny thrombi can not be detected, as they are too tiny and too scattered. People with these tiny thrombi will not know themselves, as there is no symptom. Some of our important organs, such as brain, lung, vertebrate and heart cannot regenerate after damage. Once their blood vessels are blocked and tissues damaged, the damage will be permanent. This is what we call tolerance reduced. So people with symptoms of medium severity level and above are more likely to feel difficulty in breathing. Some people with mild symptoms feel tired.
As for patients with severe symptoms, the best medicine is the old version of the Angong Niuhuang pills. Some people with mild to medium symptoms can use our #2 herbal medicine. The details can be found on our official website’s patient feedbacks. This medicine has been used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.
Our life is very precious, and most important thing in life is health and safety. There is no way to try one more time. We need to seriously consider what is good for us. In this era, we already own a lot of things and it is time to give up something. Or we will give up health and safety.
Little doctor